Friday Finds…
found rental co blog
Remember when I used to blog the “Friday Finds”? That was fun. It has been so busy lately that Fridays come and go and I keep buying, and the pictures get delayed, and then there are too many to have Joel “just take a few shots” and, and, and…..
So this morning I asked him (ever so sweetly) if he would just take “a few quick pics”…and since he is absolutely the best husband in the world, he did….and here they are :)
I love patches. And what I love even more is that someone, at sometime over the life of this settee, took the time to cut a piece of fabric from the bottom of this settee to patch a small hole, or stain, or whatever it was. I love that. And look how much character it adds! Rad!
Yes, I did ask my upholster to leave a raw edge…why, you ask? Character people, character!!! And I always have him do the baseball stitch whenever possible…details, they matter!
These were old nightstands, & I actually bought two twin beds that go with them, but these I think I will use as side tables…
This chair was a little out of my comfort zone with the color and all, but it is in perfect condition and what a cool shape! I couldn’t resist!
We are in the process of adding so many things to the Inventory so check back often!!! Here’s a sneak peak of just a few….
Have a fabulous weekend….I’m so excited for my kids’ first soccer games tomorrow! Yay!!!