Hide & Seek Recap

Over the weekend, we hosted our very first Hide & Seek: The Keys to Finding Something Found Workshop. With attendees from 5 different states, the workshop gave us a chance to help jump-start vintage rental businesses across the US. We are so grateful for the seven lovely women who attended and can’t thank them enough for trusting us as they begin this adventure.

Saturday began with stories of our favorite vintage finds (most involved digging through other people’s trash) and led into our morning discussions of developing a style & collection as well as the nuts and bolts of running a vintage rental business. We packed in questions, info about marketing, and lessons on becoming a savvy buyer.

With all of that info ruminating, we dove into to some buying challenges to help cement the tools our attendees had just been given. They rose to the challenge and we were so proud of the pieces they found for their growing collections.

We’re so grateful for the opportunity to share our stories with them and to hear theirs. We were humbled and pleased to meet each of our attendees. We can’t wait to see their businesses develop and flourish. They are going to do amazing things! Here are a few things they had to say about their experiences at Hide & Seek:

“You guys gave me a really good kick-start on my journey to starting my own business. I actually took a lot away from each aspect of the workshop. I’m leaving with a full brain of questions to start asking, ideas to start sorting through and plans to implement. It answered my question about having a partner and helped me hone in on my ‘style and values.'”

“My expectations were exceeded!”

“Really got me fired up, gave me a lot to think about and put a lot of my concerns at ease.”

“I don’t regret spending a dime on the workshop. It really opened my eyes to what I’m getting into.”

We’re stoked to meet the attendees for our March 5th & 6th workshop too. Get ready for a busy weekend that will get your blood flowing, your mind racing, and your business in high-gear.

Thanks to Orange County wedding photographer Joel Maus of Studio EMP for great images if the weekend.

