found rental co blog
Judy and Danvu's wedding, as showcased in Brides, unfolded at the picturesque Straus Home Ranch. Prioritizing their Chinese and Vietnamese cultures, the couple paid homage to their heritage on their big day. In a touching gesture to honor their cherished late grandparents, they commenced with a heartfelt incense ceremony preceding the wedding ceremony.
Following this tribute, guests were treated to a lively cocktail hour and reception, drawing inspiration from the vibrant night markets of Southeast Asia.
Photography: Sasithon Photography | Floral & Design: Found Floral | Planning: Erica Adams Design | Venue: Straus Home Ranch | Featured In: Brides
Found Items Used: Ensley Display Table | Reverie Bistro Table | Torin Console Table | Atticus Serving Cart | Harton Table | Stefani Jute Rug | Dina Tropical Pillows | Grande Rishi Bench | Carmelo Coffee Table | Lyle Wood Armchair | Reverie Cocktail Table | Wendall Chair | Reverie Bar | Makena Bar | Eddie Dining Table | Reverie Dining Table | Reverie Round Dining Table | Candice Neutral Folding Chair | Janey Lantern